Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plumber’

Our 5-Step Guide to Navigating Leaks

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Water leaks can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, leading to costly repairs and potential damage to your home. It’s obvious when you need to call a Chatham plumber, but navigating beyond that can be difficult.

Swift action and knowing what to do can save you both time and money. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through five crucial steps to effectively navigate leaks, locate their source, and handle the cleanup process.

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Signs That You May Have a Plumbing Leak

Monday, September 5th, 2022

plumber-working-on-sinkMaybe one of the most common household issues that homeowners face, no matter the time of year, are plumbing leaks. And if you do have a plumbing leak, it’s usually a much bigger problem than it looks like at first. We don’t say that to scare you, but the truth is that even the smallest pinhole leak, if it goes unnoticed for too long, can cause a lot of water and subsequent property damage.

Here’s the thing–plumbing leaks can and do go on for a long time before they’re noticeable. This is true whether it’s from a pipe underneath a sink (and then, behind cabinet doors) or a pipe running behind your drywall. The good news is, there are signs that you can keep a watchful eye and listening ear out for. Read on to learn what these signs are!

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Know These Symptoms of a Plumbing Leak

Monday, November 1st, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerWe’ve probably all seen the movies or the TV shows where someone discovers a leak when a rainstorm hits, or when they really need to get the home ready for a gathering. These scenes usually involve a bunch of buckets placed around the property to gather water aggressively dripping from the ceiling or whatnot.

The truth of the matter is, most leaks are actually a lot more subtle than this, and don’t come from rainstorms–they come from your plumbing system. You want to know about these leaks as soon as possible, so that you can have them repaired and limit the risk of damage to your property. And they hardly ever happen at a convenient time–at least Hollywood gets that part right. But, how do you know if you have a leak? Other than having water gushing out of a pipe underneath a sink or from your toilet (ew!), are there symptoms you can look for?

There sure are! Read on as we uncover some of the most common warning signs you can watch out for that will alert you to the presence of a leak.

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Qualities to Look for in a Professional Plumber

Monday, July 12th, 2021

plumber-working-on-sinkYour home’s plumbing is essential to the comfort your home offers. When you encounter any problems with your home’s plumbing, it is critical to immediately address any problems before leading to more extensive and costlier repairs. It makes sense that you would want to hire a plumber in Chatham who can do a good job and give you the peace of mind that they will provide you an effective solution to your plumbing problems.

Unfortunately, not all plumbers are made the same. Most plumbers are good at what they do with the plumbing, and that is why they can offer their services. However, the best in the business possess other qualities, proving that they are true professionals that you can trust.

If you need to hire a professional plumber for your home, you should know about the qualities to look for that help you recognize a good professional. This post will help you make a more well-informed decision when hiring a professional plumber by highlighting the best qualities in the business.

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Is It Time for You to Call a Plumber?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

homeowner-looking-under-sink-at-leak-with-phone-to-earAt times, it can be hard for the average homeowners to detect what kind of shape their plumbing system is in. In fact, if you’re like most homeowners, you don’t think about your plumbing system much at all, especially if nothing is very visibly wrong with it. It’s one of those “out of sight, out of mind” things. Unfortunately, not paying attention to your plumbing can lead to problems.

In fact, it’s almost inevitable that at some point, you’re going to need plumbing repairs. And when this does occur, it’s important for you to be able to address it right away so you can prevent it from becoming a bigger emergency. So, what are the signs it’s time to call in a pro? The below signs indicate that it’s time:

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Heed These Signs You Need Plumbing Work

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

plumber-tightening-under-sink-pipe-with-wrenchPlumbing problems are one of those things that can be really hard to detect without the right professional equipment and experience. Most of your plumbing system is hidden from view, right? The problems that typically afflict it can be very subtle and not make themselves known until they are emergencies.

For this reason, we recommend scheduling preventive maintenance for your plumbing system on at least an annual basis. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the warning signs that your plumbing system is struggling. On the rare chance that a problem happens between maintenance sessions, you’ll be able to detect it quickly so you can call us for prompt repairs. Read on as we uncover some of the symptoms of plumbing problems, and give us a call when you notice any of them.

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Don’t Let the Weather Ruin Your Plumbing!

Monday, January 25th, 2021

icicles-hanging-from-pipeHere we are, facing some of the most bitterly cold temperatures we ever have. You’re probably concerned about ensuring that you and your family stay as warm, comfortable, and healthy as possible as the temperatures drop.

What you might not be considering, is how your plumbing system is able to deal with these bitterly cold temperatures. It’s actually quite easy for your pipe to freeze in cold weather—and unfortunately, frozen pipes lead to burst pipes. Fortunately, we’re here to help, whether you already have frozen pipes and need us to safely thaw them, or you’re looking for ways to prevent this from occurring in the first place. Read on as we share some tips on how to do the latter!

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Why You Should Choose a Licensed and Insured Plumber (Over a Handyman)

Monday, January 11th, 2021

plumber-using-wrench-to-tighten-pipeWe’ve been in the home services industry for quite awhile now—over a century, actually! This means that we’ve seen what can happen when you have the wrong team or handyman looking over your plumbing system. Plumbing services are a tough job. Even something seemingly easy, such as unclogging a drain, can turn into even a bigger problem if not done correctly.

Still though, we understand the urge to hire a general “handyman” in order to save money.

Our expert plumbers are here to stress how important it is that you hire a licensed and insured plumber, instead. Sure, you might save some money upfront by trusting an amateur. In the end though, hiring the wrong team for the work can cost you far more than it’s worth.  Read on to learn why it’s so important to trust plumbing jobs to the pros.

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Follow This #1 Bathroom Remodeling Tip!

Monday, November 16th, 2020

envisioning-bathroomIf you’ve come across this blog post, there’s a good chance that you have a bathroom that doesn’t look the way you’d like it to. Or perhaps it’s not as functional as you think it can be. Whatever the case, you’ve come here because you’re thinking of starting a bathroom remodel. As the most used room in your home, it’s easy to see why—a good remodeling job can give you a brand new space after all!

But, there are things that go wrong if you choose to not work with a qualified and experienced plumbing professional. The level of attention you have to give to planning and prepping for your remodeling job will make a huge difference in the results. So, our #1 bathroom remodeling tip is to hire a professional to help with the job! Otherwise, you can run into a number of problems that will leave you needing to call in a professional plumber anyway. Curious as to what they are? Read on.

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What’s FOG and What Does It Do to Your Plumbing?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

water-flowing-down-a-sink-drainWhen we talk about “FOG,” we aren’t referring to the layer of mist you may see settling in around your town on a cool morning. While you should certainly be cautious of that kind of fog, especially while driving, we’re actually talking about the FOG that too many homeowners pour down their kitchen sink drains–fats, oils, and grease.

FOG is actually one of the worst things that can negatively impact your kitchen drain, and sometimes even your sewer line if you pour enough of it down. Avoiding this problem is relatively easy, but we understand you might be kind of curious about whether or not it really is that bad and if you should be concerned. Read on!

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