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Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog

Don’t Let the Weather Ruin Your Plumbing!

icicles-hanging-from-pipeHere we are, facing some of the most bitterly cold temperatures we ever have. You’re probably concerned about ensuring that you and your family stay as warm, comfortable, and healthy as possible as the temperatures drop.

What you might not be considering, is how your plumbing system is able to deal with these bitterly cold temperatures. It’s actually quite easy for your pipe to freeze in cold weather—and unfortunately, frozen pipes lead to burst pipes. Fortunately, we’re here to help, whether you already have frozen pipes and need us to safely thaw them, or you’re looking for ways to prevent this from occurring in the first place. Read on as we share some tips on how to do the latter!

Close the Garage Door

In the wintertime, you want to keep everything sealed up so you’re not letting cold winter air in. Ensuring your garage door remains closed as much as possible is one way to do this, and it will help keep the water supply lines in this area flowing.

Plan Ahead for Trips

While COVID has definitely threatened travel, you still may be thinking of driving somewhere warmer to get away from the chilliness with your family for a while. If this is the case, make sure you plan ahead! Keep your home heated at least above 50°F while you’re gone, even if your home is completely empty. This will lower the chance of frozen pipes!

That said, even when you’re home it’s a good idea to always keep the heat on. We’re not sure why you wouldn’t want to, but just in case you are trying to save energy by forgoing the heat, it’s probably not a good idea for your plumbing!

Let Water Run

This sounds wasteful, right? Bear with us though! You may have certain pipes in your home that are highly susceptible to freezing, such as plumbing that is behind an outdoor-facing wall, or pipes that run along the ceiling of your unfinished basement.

To prevent these pipes from freezing, you can open the applicable taps to keep a little warm water consistently trickling out. The cost to do this just while temperatures are below freezing is far less than the cost of cleaning up a flooded home if those pipes burst!

Keep Your Kitchen and Bathroom Sink Cabinets Open

You know those cabinets under your kitchen and bathroom sinks? They house the plumbing that leads to these sinks, and that plumbing is susceptible to freezing. Crack these cabinets open during the winter to let the heat in from your furnace—you won’t regret it!

Insulate Your Pipes

You can buy affordable insulating sleeves (or even use “pool noodles” slit down the side) to safely insulate your pipes against cold weather. If you don’t have those on hand, tying some towels around exposed plumbing can do the trick.

Established in 1912, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. is your trusted resource for a reliable plumber in Madison, NJ. Reach out to us today!

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