Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater Repair’

Signs of a Worn Out Water Heater

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Water heater being worked on by a technicianWater heaters are designed to last a very long time, so long as you properly take care of them. However, no water heater will last forever. Occasionally you will need Union, NJ water heater repair, and eventually, replacement. And chances are, you’d like to replace your water heater before it gives up on its job completely and you’re left without hot water for hours, possibly even days.

If you’re unsure of whether or not your current water heater is in good shape, the best thing you can do for the system is call in a pro to take a look at it for you. In the meantime, we’ve shared some guidelines below that your system is struggling and potentially worn out to the point that it requires replacement.

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Why Is the Water Heater Acting Up?

Monday, April 23rd, 2018

water heater tankNo matter what season it is or temperatures are outside, there is one heating system you’ll always need to function at full capacity—your water heater. It’s easy to take this home component for granted, and blindly trust that you’ll have hot water from the taps whenever you need it.

When you think about the amount of strain a water heater has on it (it works 365 days a year, after all) it’s easy to understand that you can’t expect it to work 100% free of problems. At some point, you may need to invest in professional Union water heater repair. It helps to know the warning signs that something has gone wrong, the biggest of which we’ve covered below.

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