Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heaters’

Yes a Tankless Water Heater Needs Tune-Ups, Here’s Why!

Monday, September 20th, 2021

tankless-water-heaterIf you’ve ever had a tank water heater system in your home, then you know it’s big, pretty noticeable, and in some cases can even be a bit noisy. In other words, it’s pretty hard not to pay attention to it. You also probably know that a tank water heater needs maintenance. What you might not know is that if you have a tankless system, it too needs a tune-up.

Scaling, or the buildup of mineral deposits, can have a negative impact on the unit, causing problems with water pressure, temperature, and even potential corrosion. They need occasional flushing to resolve this problem. So, yes, a tankless water heater needs a tune-up!

The maintenance that’s done to a conventional tank water heater is actually pretty similar to what needs to be done for a tankless system. Read on to learn more!

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The Importance of Water Heater Maintenance

Monday, May 17th, 2021

tank-water-heaterIf you have a water heater in your home—and let’s face it, what modern home doesn’t have one of these systems—then you’ve probably been told by a plumber that at some point, you’re going to need maintenance! Perhaps you’re wondering why this service is important, or even necessary. The answer to this is summed up in one word—scaling.

You’ve likely heard the term hard water before, right? Hard water is water that has a high level of minerals in it—namely calcium, magnesium, and iron. For most people, these minerals are totally harmless to ingest. However, they are not so harmless for your plumbing system, because the minerals leave deposits behind—which is what’s known as scaling.

Scaling can negatively impact your water heater more than any part of your plumbing system (though, it’s not great for any part of your plumbing system!) While you can easily clean scale off of a faucet or a drain opening, that doesn’t do much for the pipes, or for your water heater’s interior. Read on to learn more!

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5 Signs of a Worn Out Water Heater

Monday, April 19th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerIt doesn’t matter what time of the year it is in our area, or what the outdoor temperatures are—there is one particular home comfort system that you need each and every day, and that you likely take for granted. What is it? Your water heater.

Consider the amount of strain this system gets put under, day after day. It works 365 days a year! Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if every now and then it has a malfunction or repair need. At some point, it’s very likely you’ll have to call a professional for repairs. But how do you know when it’s time to do so? Well, we’ve shared a few signs below.

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