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Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog

Sounds You Don’t Want Your Furnace Making

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenWouldn’t it be great if we lived in a time that HVAC systems were created to make no noise at all? While we can’t promise that will ever happen, we can say with certainty that your HVAC systems may make sounds, but they should be that loud.

You can expect to hear things like the air ducts fluctuating as temperatures fluctuate inside of them, and air rushing through the vents and into your living space. But there are other noises you don’t want to hear–and that’s pretty much anything outside of the ordinary operational sounds you hear.

Read on as we uncover some specific noises that if you hear, indicate it’s time to give our team a call!


Do you hear a sound that resembles metal-on-metal? Unfortunately, if you think this is what you’re hearing, it probably is what you’re hearing. This is most likely indicative of a problem with the furnace’s blower wheel.

If this is the case, then you’ll want to turn your furnace off to prevent further damage and contact a trained professional. Remember, more damage to your system means more damage to your budget!


Do you hear a screeching noise coming from anywhere within your furnace system? This is most likely an indication that the blower motor isn’t working as it should be. More specifically, it’s probably that the lubrication on the motor bearings has worn down, and it’s causing friction.

This is a relatively “normal” problem and part of natural wear and tear. The problem is, if you ignore it for too long, that friction can cause the motor to overheat, and as a result, your furnace could break down altogether.

If you hear screeching, contact our trained and experienced HVAC technicians. Once we diagnose the problem, we can advise you on your next steps.


Rattling can seem like a pretty benign noise, and in some cases it might be. For instance, maybe it’s just a loose panel that has to be tightened on the system’s cabinet. But it’s important that you not make any assumptions here.

There is a rare, but very real possibility, that a cracked or broken heat exchanger is causing this noise. Cracked heat exchangers allow for CO (carbon monoxide) gas to be leaked into your living space.


If you hear something that resembles a banging sound or booming noise, then what you’re likely detecting is the result of dirty burners. This might seem like a minor issue, but it can actually be a sign of something potentially dangerous.

The noise you’re hearing here can be caused by a delay in ignition due to grime and dirt buildup on the burners. What happens is that the gas builds up, and then when it ignites, a small explosion occurs inside the heating system.

The problem with this is that it rattles the whole system, which can ultimately damage other components, such as the heat exchanger.

Established in 1912, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. is your trusted resource for reliable furnace repair in Warren, NJ. Reach out to us today.

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