Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for December, 2021

How to Help Your Heater Work More Efficiently This Winter

Monday, December 27th, 2021

hvac-ventThe holiday season can leave a lot of us looking for ways to save money. This might tempt you to use your heater as little as possible so that you don’t have to worry about high energy bills. Affordable energy bills, after all, will make a huge difference to your budget!

Well, we have good news. There are some easy ways to boost energy efficiency and therefore lower your monthly utility costs, without sacrificing your comfort by avoiding heater use. Read on as we uncover some tips to ensure you’ll get the most out of your heating system without going broke doing so.

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Our #1 Safety Tip if you Have a Gas Furnace

Monday, December 13th, 2021

woman-hands-holding-paper-houseWe know, we know. The title of this blog post makes it seems like gas furnaces are inherently dangerous. This is simply not true. What is true, however, is that if you don’t properly care for your gas furnace, it can become dangerous. Why is this? Well because gas lines can leak, and when a furnace isn’t well-maintained or if the damage isn’t repaired, it’s more likely for this to occur.

The biggest risk is a carbon monoxide (CO) leak. CO exposure is one of the leading causes of household illnesses and injury, and even leads to many fatalities each year. We say this not to scare you, but for you to be aware. The component that you need to be most worried about is the heat exchanger. Read on as we uncover more about the heat exchanger, as well as our #1 safety tip if you have a gas furnace–scheduling annual furnace maintenance.

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