Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for August, 2020

Is Your Sump Pump Working Properly?

Monday, August 24th, 2020

sump-pump-in-basementIf you have a basement and live around Scotch Plains, then having a sump pump system is essential. Sump pumps are tasked with preventing water damage due to flooding and automatically go to work as excess water is collected in the sump. The water is then pumped out to either a wastewater system or a well.

You might not think that you need such a preventive device, but with the rainy season here it’s vital that you have this system professionally installed and serviced, and that you test it every quarter or so to make sure it’s still in good shape and functioning as it should. How do you do this? Read on!

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3 Signs of an AC in Disrepair

Monday, August 10th, 2020

two-techs-with-tool-bag-by-outdoor-ac-unitDid you know that this is the time of year you’re most likely to experience an AC repair issue? Now, no air conditioner will last forever, but yours should be able to make it through this summer–especially if it’s under 10 years of age and it’s been routinely maintained.

What’s that? You haven’t scheduled maintenance yet?

That’s okay! It’s more important that you’re consistent with scheduling tune-ups each year than it is what time of the year you have it done. But regardless of whether you had maintenance done yet or not, it’s important to know the signs of an air conditioner in disrepair. Otherwise, cooling system problems can go unaddressed until they lead to much bigger emergencies, like a total breakdown.

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