Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for August, 2018

Indoor Air Quality: How UV Rays Are Actually Good for You

Monday, August 27th, 2018

UV light on blue backgroundYou might be scratching your head on this one. “What? UV rays are GOOD for me? What about sunburns—skin cancer risks?” You’d be right, but that’s not the level of UV light we’re talking about here. This is more of what you know as a “black light”—seen at many concert and amusement parks after dusk.

We aren’t talking about that level of UV light, but rather the UV rays that help eliminate mold, mildew, and other microorganisms from the inside of your ductwork so that you can breathe and live more healthfully in your home. With fall and winter well on their way, this is the perfect time of year to think about just this, and take the proper steps in defending your family against wintertime illnesses as best you can.

In addition to helping you live more healthfully though, UV lights—also referred to as a UV air purifier—can even benefit your air conditioning system by improving its efficiency and lifespan. Keep reading to learn more!

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Always Hire a Pro for Your Commercial Plumbing Needs

Monday, August 13th, 2018

commercial building at nightThere are very specific standards that a person much reach to become a professional plumber in New Jersey. These standards are in place to ensure that consumers are left with a plumbing system that functions as effectively and efficiently as it should for as long as it should, and does so safely.

These standards are even more important when it comes to commercial plumbing. So when you find your business or commercial space in need of plumbing services in Union or one of the surrounding communities, you want a plumber who specializes in commercial spaces! The good news is, you needn’t look any further than our team.

Hiring a professional commercial plumber, rather than relying on the general handyman for your building, gives you safety and liability guarantees that you can only get from a licensed plumbing company, in addition to the following benefits:

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