Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water Heater Service’

Why Is Your Water Heater Leaking?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

drip-drop-waterThis is something you weren’t expecting to see. Your water heater was not performing as expected, so you checked on the unit, only to see water leaking from the system. Yikes! The first and most important step is calling in a technician ASAP. And, if you are able to safely, you may want to shut off water to the tank so that the leakage cannot get any worse and do damage to your home.

Still, in the meantime, you might want some answers. Today, we look at a few of the problems that might cause a water heater to leak and what you should do to take control when it does. All in all, be sure to have the right team for the job to accurately diagnose the problem and make sure you get the service your water heater needs.

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