Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for September, 2022

It’s Time to Schedule This Heating Service!

Monday, September 19th, 2022

hand-writing-in-calendarHave you pulled out the sweaters, hoodies, and boots yet? If not, you will soon because fall is making its appearance here in Kenilworth, NJ. While the trees are changing colors and preparing to drop their leaves, most property owners are adding “schedule heater maintenance” to their to-do lists. If you own a home or rental property, there are a few good reasons that you should do the same.

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Signs That You May Have a Plumbing Leak

Monday, September 5th, 2022

plumber-working-on-sinkMaybe one of the most common household issues that homeowners face, no matter the time of year, are plumbing leaks. And if you do have a plumbing leak, it’s usually a much bigger problem than it looks like at first. We don’t say that to scare you, but the truth is that even the smallest pinhole leak, if it goes unnoticed for too long, can cause a lot of water and subsequent property damage.

Here’s the thing–plumbing leaks can and do go on for a long time before they’re noticeable. This is true whether it’s from a pipe underneath a sink (and then, behind cabinet doors) or a pipe running behind your drywall. The good news is, there are signs that you can keep a watchful eye and listening ear out for. Read on to learn what these signs are!

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