Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for June, 2019

Air Conditioning Tasks You Can Manage on Your Own

Monday, June 17th, 2019

man-holding-air-filterTemperatures are warming, and it’s almost time to start using our air conditioners on a daily basis again. If you haven’t already, this means that now is the perfect time to schedule your professional air conditioner maintenance appointment. Professional tune-ups enable our pros to fully inspect and clean your cooling system, making any adjustments we see necessary, and recommending repairs as needed, too.

Managing these repairs before you need your air conditioner daily will ensure your system lasts all season. Once professional maintenance and repairs are taken care of, you’re off the hook, right? Well…not quite. We actually encourage you to take care of a few smaller maintenance tasks in between professional services to ensure your air conditioner is good to go for the warmer weather. These tasks include:

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Common Plumbing Mistakes: Are You Wasting Water?

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

white-pipe-with-blue-cloth-tied-around-leakWasted water—it’s not something many homeowners give a lot of thought to. But what if we told you that you may be spending considerably more than you should have to on your utility bills because of that wasted water? Then would you want to change your water use habits?

The good news is, you probably don’t need to change your day-to-day habits much to make a significant difference. The even better news is that we have some solutions available for you that are guaranteed to help in this water-saving and subsequently money-saving endeavor.

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