Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for May, 2019

The Time to Prep Your AC for Warmer Temps Is Now

Monday, May 20th, 2019

technician-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitWe’re talking about air conditioning maintenance, here. While it’s never “too late” for this service—in the absence of a complete system breakdown, that is—now is generally the best time to have it done.

And we get it, when an HVAC professional recommends a service that you don’t see an immediate need for, it can be easy to dismiss, unless something is seriously wrong with your cooling system (like a loss of cooling power).

Just like maintenance for your car, however, routine AC maintenance is essential to the performance of your cooling system as well as repair prevention. Our team is a trusted resource, and because of that, we feel it’s our duty to share with you why routine maintenance is so vital.

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Why we Think You Should Consider Going Ductless

Monday, May 6th, 2019

hand-with-remote-turning-on-ductless-air-handlerIf you’re in the market for a new air conditioner this coming summer—or if you’ve decided to finally replace that furnace system that gave you trouble all winter long—you probably want something that will offer you efficiency and affordability, right? Well, do we have a suggestion for you! For year-round comfort, we recommend the ductless system—among the most efficient of all residential HVAC options.

You may have seen us mention the benefits of ductless cooling and heating before on our blog. What we really want to talk about here is the economic benefits of going ductless. The truth is, we could go on all day about how efficient ductless systems are, but we also want to let you know why they’re so efficient, and what that efficiency means for your wallet.

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