Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for October, 2018

Could a Boiler Work for Your Home?

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Industrial boiler gas regulation and metering moduleWith temperatures already cooled down to a point that you need your heating system on a daily basis, we hope yours is working as well as it sh. But what if you’ve skipped maintenance, or you have an aging system that just can’t keep up with the heating demand in your home anymore? Well, then it may very well be time to invest in a new heater.

We discourage you, though, from rushing to buy the biggest heater within your budget and just being satisfied with that. If your system is still operational for now we really urge you to take a few considerations into account for your next heating system purchase. And if you don’t already have a boiler system in place, it may be time for you to consider one! But what are the benefits? What makes them better than furnaces or other forced-air heating systems?

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The Top 3 Signs of Furnace Trouble

Monday, October 8th, 2018

A heating/cooling vent register on the wall of a home, with open/close leverWinters are harsh in our area. Or, at least they can be without an effective and efficiency furnace in place. And yours is about to be put under a lot of stress. The strain our furnaces go through during the coldest part of the year increases the chances of problems cropping up over time, which is why you should be particularly vigilant for signs that it is struggling and in need of furnace repair in Union, NJ.

Early detection of heater problems means prompt repairs and better damage prevention. Take a look below at the top 3 signs that something is amiss with your system, and be sure to give us a call right away once you do.

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