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Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog

Boiler Leaks: 3 Steps to Take Right Now

A functioning boiler is essential for keeping your home warm and comfortable, especially during the colder months. However, a boiler leak can disrupt your comfort and potentially cause significant damage if left unaddressed.

The sight of water leaking from your boiler can be alarming, but staying calm and taking the right steps can help minimize the damage and get your heating system back up and running quickly. Here are 3 crucial steps to follow immediately upon discovering a boiler leak. Boiler maintenance in Union can help prevent this kind of issue, but when it happens, be sure to schedule a repair.

1. Stop the Water Flow and Address Safety Concerns

The first priority is to stop the water flow and prevent further damage. Here’s what to do:

  • Locate the shutoff valve: Find the main shut-off valve for your boiler water supply. This valve is usually located near the boiler itself, but it might also be situated on the main water supply line entering your home. Locate this valve beforehand if you haven’t already.
  • Turn off the water supply: Turn the shut-off valve clockwise with a wrench or pliers until you feel resistance. This will stop water flowing into your boiler.
  • Turn off your boiler: Locate the power switch or gas valve on your boiler and turn it off completely. This will prevent the boiler from continuing to operate and potentially worsening the leak.

Safety First

  • Electrical hazards: If the leak is near electrical components, turn off the power to your boiler at the breaker box before proceeding.
  • Carbon Monoxide risk: A boiler leak can, in some cases, indicate a cracked heat exchanger, which can lead to a carbon monoxide leak. If you suspect a carbon monoxide leak, evacuate your home immediately and call emergency services. Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

2. Assess the Leak and Contain the Water

Once the water flow is stopped, assess the situation:

  • Identify the source: Where is the leak coming from? Is it a loose connection, a cracked pipe, or a leak from the boiler itself?
  • Contain the water: Place towels or a large pan under the leak to collect any dripping water and prevent it from spreading. Cover nearby floors with towels or plastic sheeting to minimize water damage.

3. Call a Qualified Heating Technician

While some minor boiler leaks might seem like a DIY project, it’s crucial to call a qualified heating technician for most boiler leak situations.

Here’s why professional intervention is recommended:

  • Diagnosis and Repair: A technician can accurately diagnose the cause of the leak and recommend the proper repair solution.
  • Safety Considerations: Boilers are complex systems, and attempting DIY repairs can lead to further problems or even safety hazards.
  • Long-Term Solutions: A qualified technician can not only fix the current leak but also identify any underlying issues that might be contributing to the problem, ensuring a long-term solution.

Schedule Maintenance With Us

Maintenance can go a long way in preventing a boiler problem before it happens. We can inspect the unit, give you a heads up, and even make adjustments that improve the longevity and efficiency of the system.

Established in 1912, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. is your trusted resource for reliable boiler maintenance and repair. Reach out to us today. 

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