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Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog

Tips for Shutting Down Your AC for Winter

AC-Condenser-UnitChances are, you’re still going to need your air conditioner to run for a little bit longer, even though the official end of summer is just a couple weeks away. In fact, even fall can introduce some surprise heat waves. Eventually, you’ll look at the upcoming weather forecast, see temperatures dropping, and know that winter is coming.

At this point, it’s essential that you have your heating system tuned-up and inspected to prevent problems with it. You can arrange for this with our team as soon as you want to! We provide comprehensive and thorough maintenance for all types of heating systems. But in addition to heating maintenance, there’s something else you’ll need to do with your HVAC systems this time of the year.

You’ll want to winterize your air conditioner! That’s right, we don’t recommend simply turning off the air conditioner and leaving it. It can suffer damage over the winter if this occurs, and that damage can jeopardize its functionality when you need it again next year. So, how exactly do you prep your AC for the off-season?

Shut Off the AC

This is the first step! And we don’t mean that you should simply turn it off from the thermostat. We say this because there is a chance that your thermostat might cause the AC to cycle back on briefly during a heatwave, which can lead to ice and water being sucked into the outdoor unit.

Turning off your air conditioner from the outdoor condenser unit is how to truly shut down the system, and it reduces the chance of electrocution.

Clean off the Condenser Unit

You might need to wash down your condenser unit to remove any dirt, grime, lawn clippings, mulch, leaves, or even tree branches that have accumulated on or around it. Your condenser unit should have 2 feet of free space on every side.

Let the Condenser Dry, Then Cover the System

You’ll want to give your condenser a few hours to dry in order to prevent corrosion, and then from there, you can place a waterproof cover over it. You can purchase one of these specially made condenser covers from a home supply store, but as long as you have full coverage there’s really nothing wrong with using any sheet of waterproof plastic that’s big enough to completely cover the unit.

Be sure to secure the cover with something like bungee cords, so that it doesn’t blow away during inclement weather in the winter. This cover will protect your condenser unit from getting moisture inside of it and avoiding any debris that might have otherwise entered the system.

By following these tips, you’ll ensure that your air conditioner is in good shape for when spring comes around next year. You’ll still want to schedule maintenance services for your air conditioner, but you’ll have the peace of mind that your system won’t accumulate additional damage over the winter.

For over a century, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. has been the preferred choice for homeowners looking for reliable air conditioning in Madison, NJ. Contact us today!

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