Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for February, 2021

Don’t Ignore These End-Of-Season Furnace Repair Needs

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceIt may seem really odd to call this the “end of the season” with the chillier temperatures we have had lately. But you know as well as we do that spring is right around the corner, and heat and humidity can come down on us much quicker than we expect. But before you call us for AC maintenance (which you can do any time!) it’s time to address your heating system needs.

Now, if you had your heater maintained this past fall and no problems were caught, you’re probably in good shape. This is especially true if your furnace is only a year or two old. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore this blog post. It’s always a good idea to know the signs of potential furnace repair needs.

Not sure what those indicators might be? Read on as we uncover just a few signs that should have you giving our number a dial.

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4 Ways to Get the Most from Your Heater

Monday, February 8th, 2021

jets-of-a-furnaceWe heard it from Punxsutawney Phil himself—we have six more weeks of winter ahead! Okay, whether or not you believe in Groundhog Day predictions, the fact of the matter is that temperatures are probably going to stay chilly for a while, and you’re definitely going to need a fully functional heater to continue to keep you warm.

When we say fully functional, we mean just as powerful as it should be, in addition to as efficient as it should be. How efficiently your heater operates informs how much you spend on your heating from month to month, and who wants to pay more than necessary? The bad and the good news is, you might not be using your heater as efficiently as possible. Read on to learn 4 ways to potentially change that!

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