Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Boiler Leaks: 3 Steps to Take Right Now

Monday, March 18th, 2024

A functioning boiler is essential for keeping your home warm and comfortable, especially during the colder months. However, a boiler leak can disrupt your comfort and potentially cause significant damage if left unaddressed.

The sight of water leaking from your boiler can be alarming, but staying calm and taking the right steps can help minimize the damage and get your heating system back up and running quickly. Here are 3 crucial steps to follow immediately upon discovering a boiler leak. Boiler maintenance in Union can help prevent this kind of issue, but when it happens, be sure to schedule a repair.

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3 Tips for Keeping Your Boiler in Prime Condition

Monday, February 19th, 2024

Your boiler is the unsung hero of your home, silently working to provide warmth and comfort during chilly months. To ensure it continues to perform at its best, proactive maintenance is key. In this blog post, we’ll explore three essential tips for keeping your boiler in excellent shape, from regular cleaning to investing in professional maintenance and staying vigilant for signs of inefficiency in your monthly bills.

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What’s Wrong With Your Gas Fireplace?

Monday, January 8th, 2024

A gas fireplace offers the best of both worlds. It has the homey warmth and the cozy ambience without any of the mess of a wood-burning fireplace—soot, ash, and bark bits, oh, my! Your gas fireplace is also so much easier to start up. There’s no scrunching newspaper, carefully laying out kindling, and trying to get it all to catch. Just flip a switch and the fire’s going.

With all that ease of use, it’s easy to forget that gas fireplaces do encounter problems sometimes. We’d like to remind you that if you do notice an issue with your gas fireplace, you should take it seriously and have it repaired. Here’s what to look for.

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How to Avoid Boiler Problems at Christmas

Monday, December 25th, 2023

The worst Christmas present isn’t actually a stocking full of coal. No, it’s a holiday heating system failure! It’s worth doing whatever you can to make sure that doesn’t happen. And if a problem does occur, you’ll want to know what to look for in case you can resolve it yourself with no need for repair. 

Keep your holiday season running smoothly by keeping your boiler happy! Here’s how to set your boiler up for heating success, and what you can do to resolve potential issues yourself and avoid holiday heating repair.

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DIY Fireplace Repairs: A Major Safety Concern

Monday, December 11th, 2023

A gas fireplace is the best of both worlds. It gives your home the ambience and cozy feeling of a fireplace without the mess and complication of burning wood. But it is a high-tech heating appliance, so at times, things can go wrong that require repair. Can you repair your gas fireplace yourself? No! Trying to DIY a repair on a natural gas-burning appliance is dangerous. Here’s what you should know.

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A Leaky Boiler Is a Bad Sign

Monday, November 27th, 2023

A boiler is an ideal home heating solution. It’s highly effective, providing very even heating throughout the home. It can last longer than any other heating system—sometimes thirty years compared to a gas furnace’s fifteen! And with fewer moving parts than a furnace, it encounters fewer problems and is less likely to require repairs. 

It is true, however, that nothing can last for decades without ever needing some professional help. And unlike other heating systems, your boiler uses water to distribute the heat it creates. One of the most common problems a boiler can encounter is leaking. If you’re concerned about water below your boiler, here’s what you need to know.

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How Gas Fireplaces Are More Efficient

Monday, October 16th, 2023

A wood-burning fireplace is romantic and lovely, gives your home a cozy atmosphere, and provides a place to warm your hands when you’re chilly. But it also creates a lot of mess: soot, ashes, sawdust, bits of bark. Is it worth it for that homey feel?

What if we told you that your wood-burning fireplace is also extremely inefficient? Spending a lot on wood for your fireplace and getting hardly any heat for your money is outrageous. Gas fireplaces are much more efficient. Here’s how.

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3 Advantages of Choosing a Gas Fireplace

Monday, September 18th, 2023

You have no doubt admired gas fireplaces, whether in someone else’s home, at a hotel, or when you’ve seen them in TV shows and movies. They are absolutely lovely, and they make a space cozy and wholesome while still looking elegant and refined. A gas fireplace can give you the rustic atmosphere of a wood-burning fireplace, but it has additional advantages that make it even better. 

What are those advantages? There are many, but here are three of the biggest ones.

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6 Tips on Caring for Your Gas Fireplace

Monday, August 21st, 2023

A gas fireplace is an ideal way to add warmth, comfort, and ambiance to your home without the hassle of a wood-burning fireplace. Though your gas fireplace is pretty easy to care for, there are some steps you should be taking, and this is the perfect time of year to do it.

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6 Signs You Need Boiler Service

Monday, July 24th, 2023

A boiler is a truly amazing system for heating your home. Boilers are extremely reliable, have longer lifespans than most other options like gas or electric furnaces, and have fewer mechanical components. Without as many moving parts, there aren’t as many ways that things can go wrong. But that doesn’t mean that your boiler will function perfectly forever. Even a fantastic heating system like a boiler occasionally encounters problems. Here’s how to tell that you need boiler service.

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