Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Archive for July, 2017

What You Should Know about AC Refrigerants

Monday, July 31st, 2017

AC-Condenser-UnitYou probably already know that your air conditioner uses refrigerant (although you might have heard it called by a brand name, “Freon”). When an air conditioner isn’t working properly, homeowners often ask us this: “Does it just need more Freon?”

Sometimes, an air conditioner does only need to be recharged with refrigerant, a chemical blend of which there are actually many brands and types. But usually, it’s a bit more complex than this. To help you understand a bit more about refrigerants, their impact on the environment, and what happens when it runs low, we provide some pertinent information in today’s post.

To learn more or to schedule service for your AC system today, reach out to our air conditioning contractors in Union, NJ.

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Why Would an Air Conditioner Leak Water?

Monday, July 17th, 2017

AC-evaporator-coil-air-conditioningA water leak from your air conditioner can cause hundreds or thousands of dollars in damages—yikes! First, let’s clear up some initial confusion about this topic. No, your air conditioner does not use water to run (unless it is an evaporative cooler, systems which are only common in dry desert climates). So where is the water coming from?

More importantly, what can you do to prevent water from leaking in the first place, and what should you do when you notice a problem? We’ll cover all of that in today’s guide. For more information, reach out to our friendly team!

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Why Is Your Water Heater Leaking?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

drip-drop-waterThis is something you weren’t expecting to see. Your water heater was not performing as expected, so you checked on the unit, only to see water leaking from the system. Yikes! The first and most important step is calling in a technician ASAP. And, if you are able to safely, you may want to shut off water to the tank so that the leakage cannot get any worse and do damage to your home.

Still, in the meantime, you might want some answers. Today, we look at a few of the problems that might cause a water heater to leak and what you should do to take control when it does. All in all, be sure to have the right team for the job to accurately diagnose the problem and make sure you get the service your water heater needs.

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